Abu Ghrarib torture icon in Chicago street Protest, 2005 34


Rumsfeld protest demonstration, Chicago 35


"Blind Patriotism," Chicago Protestor, 2006 135


Grim Reaper goes to Iraq photograph 136


Hispanic Iraq war protest in Chicago 137




"No War" signsign, Chicago Iraq war demonstration, 2003 104


Kathy Kelly speaking, Chicago Iraq Protest 301


"Bush Step Down," puppet, Chicago Iraq Protest 302


"Peace is sexy" photograph of antiwar march, Chicago 303


Iraq Protest:  Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 193


Iraq Veteran is a photographer 194


Insert number & link here


Insert number & link here


Chicago Iraq antiwar march, March 20, 2007 428




Kent State iconic photo in Iraq protest, Chicago, 2005 328


War Lord Bush with Club caricature at Chicago protest, 2003 487


Purple Heart Iraq War Veteran at Chicago Protest Rally, October 5, 2006 379


Gold Star father, Juan Torres, Chicago Iraq Protest 381


Four war criminals of Washington D.C. as puppets in antiwar demonstrations around USA 418


Chicago October 5, 2006 National Demonstration against war in Iraq 419


Iraq Veterans Againt the War, Chicago, March 20, 2007 427